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7 Steps to Developing a Positive Attitude

The "power of positive thought" is a well-known idea that can feel a touch cliched at times. However, numerous scientific studies have proved the physical and emotional benefits of positive thinking. A positive mindset can boost your self-esteem, enhance your mood, and even lower your risk of acquiring stress-related diseases including hypertension, depression, and anxiety.

All of this sounds nice, but what exactly does the phrase "power of positive thought" imply?

Optimistic thinking can be defined as positive imagery, positive self-talk, or general optimism, although these are all broad, vague terms. You'll need real examples to guide you through the process if you want to be more effective in thinking and being more optimistic.

Here are seven of them:

The way you start your day sets the tone for the rest of it. Have you ever been late to work, frightened, and felt like nothing positive happened the rest of the day? This is most likely because you began the day with a negative attitude and a pessimistic outlook, which carried over into every subsequent incident you encountered. Rather than allowing it to control you, begin each day with optimistic affirmations. "Today will be a good day," or "I'm going to be awesome today," say to yourself in the mirror, even if you think it's foolish. You'll be surprised at how much better your day becomes.

2. Concentrate on the positive aspects of your life, no matter how minor they may be.

You'll almost certainly face challenges during the day—there is no such thing as a flawless day. When confronted with such a challenge, concentrate on the advantages, no matter how minor or insignificant they may appear. Consider how, if you're stalled in traffic, you'll have more time to listen to the rest of your favorite podcast. Consider the excitement of attempting something new if the store is out of the cuisine you want to prepare.

Allow yourself to laugh even in the darkest or most difficult moments. Remind yourself that this circumstance will almost certainly make a fantastic tale later, and try to create a comedy out of it. Imagine being laid off and having to come up with the most outrageous way to spend your final day or the most stupid job you might get next—like kangaroo handler or bubblegum sculptor.

4. Turn setbacks become learning opportunities.

You aren't flawless. You'll make mistakes and fail in a variety of situations, at a variety of occupations, and with a variety of people. Instead of focusing on how you failed, consider what you'll do differently next time—turn your failure into a learning experience. Think about it in terms of concrete rules. As a result, you might come up with three new project management rules, for example.

Negative self-talk is easy to develop and often goes unnoticed. You may believe I'm terrible at this or that I shouldn't have done that. However, these thoughts might become internalized feelings, which can solidify your self-perceptions. Stop and replace those negative thoughts with positive ones if you notice yourself doing this. For example, I'm terrible at this. I'll be a lot better at this once I have some more practice. That didn't go out as planned—maybe next time. I shouldn't have attempted becomes

6. Pay attention to the present moment.

I'm referring to the present—not today, not this hour, but simply right now. You may be getting chastised by your supervisor, but what exactly is going on right now that is so bad? Forget about the five-minute-old remark he made. Forget about what he might say in five minutes. Concentrate on this one specific time. In most cases, you'll discover that it's not as horrible as you think. The majority of negative emotions are triggered by a recollection of a recent occurrence or an overblown anticipation of a prospective future event. Keep your focus on the present moment.

You'll hear optimistic outlooks, happy anecdotes, and positive affirmations if you surround yourself with positive individuals. Their encouraging comments will soak in and influence your own thoughts, which will influence your remarks and, in turn, add to the group. It can be difficult to find positive individuals to fill your life, but you must eradicate negativity before it swallows you. Do all you can to boost other people's positivity, and let their positivity rub off on you.

Almost everyone, in any circumstance, may apply these lessons to their own lives and improve their outlook. Positive thinking, as you might expect, has compounding effects, so the more you practice it, the more benefits you'll reap.