Emotion/Body/Belief Code

How Does it Work?


Your subconscious mind is the ultra intelligent computer system of your body; it knows exactly what you need in order to achieve balance in the six key areas of health. We use specific questioning, charts, and muscle testing (kinesiology) to get precise answers from your subconscious about imbalances in your body that need to be addressed.

To release or correct an energetic imbalance, The Body Code combines two important elements: the modern technology of therapeutic magnets and the ancient principles of Chinese Medicine.

A magnet acts as a powerful carrier for your practitioner’s intention to release or correct the imbalance in your body. When that magnetically charged intentional energy is placed into your body via the Governing Meridian (a major energy channel in the acupuncture system), it flows through your body instantly and either releases the negative energy or restores the balance to the energy circuit. This procedure is non-invasive and pain free. Other imbalances may require a remedy, which your practitioner may test you for and suggest accordingly.

MUSCLE TESTINGWe believe the subconscious mind exerts an unseen yet profound influence over how we behave and feel — and it’s also keenly aware of exactly what your body needs to get well. To access these vast stores of knowledge, it’s our belief th…


We believe the subconscious mind exerts an unseen yet profound influence over how we behave and feel — and it’s also keenly aware of exactly what your body needs to get well. To access these vast stores of knowledge, it’s our belief that we need to bypass the conscious mind and speak directly to the subconscious. This is where muscle testing comes in.


The body is made up of pure energy. Every organ, tissue, and cell is made up of energy, and so are the non-physical aspects of yourself. Thoughts, beliefs, memories, emotions — are also made up of energy. When viewed from this standpoint, you can see how important energetic balance is to your overall health, and just how easy it really is to effect change.

Do I Need to be Present for this Process to Work?

No. This process is conducted over Zoom for long distance clients. It can also be conducted while the client rests or is sleeping without phone participation.


Proxy/Remote Testing Testimonial

I wasn't sure what to expect when my friend suggested that I started doing The Emotion Code with Sara. I understood that it was to do with energy but I was surprised to hear that this type of work could be done over Zoom whilst we're on different continents.

Sara spent a lot of time explaining the process to me on our first session which I found really helpful. When she started the connection with me, I was surprised to feel a slight weight in my head. It felt just like someone else had entered my mind. As she identified each emotion in me, particularly doing a lot of work on the heart wall, I felt a lightness in my chest. It literally felt as if something was breaking apart or being removed. It was also an emotional experience and at times I felt like I was about to cry. 

I still don't fully understand how this can work but there's been an improvement in my mental health after each session so I'm definitely going to continue and I recommend that anyone else who's suffering tries it out.


 What Can I Expect?

During the session,  simply relax. All the answers that I need are in your subconscious and can be tapped into using muscle testing. I will simply ask your subconscious a series of questions to identify the trapped emotions or imbalances. No personal information needs to be revealed. Once the emotions are identified, we will simply release it. It’s a completely painless and very relaxing process.

Approximately 20% of people experience some sort of “processing” over the next 1-3 days. The body will fully process the release of the emotions or imbalances and during this time you may have periods where you feel more emotional than usual. For instance, if sadness was identified as a trapped emotion, you may feel a little sad during this processing stage. You may also experience more vivid dreams and/or a change in sleep patterns.

Most middle-aged adults can have up to 300 trapped emotions. The body typically allows 5-10 emotions to be released during any one session. Sessions normally take about 30 minutes. The body also knows exactly which emotions it needs to release the most.

Experience Transformation and Freedom!

Dr. Bradley Nelson

Who Developed  the Emotion/Body/Belief Code™?

The Emotion Code is a method developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson, a renowned holistic physician, lecturer and author of the book of the same name, “The Emotion Code.” Using the Emotion Code to identify and clear stuck emotions enables the body to rebalance and self-heal. There are many examples on YouTube of Dr. Bradley Nelson demonstrating the Emotion Code as well as webinars giving more detailed information about this modality.


  • The Emotion Code™/ Body Code can help you release any trapped emotion that could be affecting your personal and professional life including (but not limited to) mental and physical health, relationships, and creativity.

    During a session, I am identifying trapped emotions, imbalances, toxins, nutritional deficiencies, or structural imbalances using muscle testing and then releasing those trapped emotions for you.

    I often tell clients that they can share as much information with me as they want to about what comes up during a session, and some clients decide not to share much information at all.

  • The Emotion Code™/ Body Code™ is an extremely fast, simple, and the most effective method of energy psychology, and uses simple magnets to release emotional baggage or correct imbalances that could be the cause of many illnesses, pain, depression, anxiety, self-sabotage, etc. You've been struggling long enough -- isn't it time you got help?

  • That’s a great question! You don’t have to believe in energy for this to work, however, I would suggest keeping an open mind.

    Clients often see better results with The Emotion Code™/ Body Code™ and Heart Wall work if they are open to it and willing to receive the work.

    And of course, I am always open to any questions that someone may have during their session.

  • Yes, the Emotion Code ™ works great on all animals.

  • This is a very common question.

    I often tell clients that if their issue has been going on for a short period of time and is very recent that it may be resolved in a session or two.

    If someone comes with chronic anxiety or back pain that they have had for the last 10 years…then it may take a number of sessions before they see results.

    The great thing about The Emotion Code™/ Body Code™ work is that I usually find that even after just one session a client will feel better in some way.

    Clients most commonly report feeling lighter, calmer, or more peaceful after their first session.

  • Yes, it can! Here’s a great article that explains how energy work can work for people long-distance and over the phone.

  • I recommend drinking a glass of water before and after each session. I also recommend it's best to be in a quiet, relaxed environment with minimal distractions.

  • "It will be very difficult for you to help people like this, if not impossible. If someone doesn't want it to work, or doesn't believe it works, then it won't-not for them anyway! If you are open-minded you'll have an easier time."-Dr. Bradley Nelson