Bridging the Gap Between Energy Medicine and Western Medicine

Bridging the Gap

Energy Medicine is quickly becoming a part of our healthcare system, and it couldn't come at a better time. We've evolved into a civilization that sees the body as a collection of disparate bits and components, oblivious to how they all connect and interact. Conventional (or Western) medicine appears to be more concerned with treating illness than with improving health. Because it doesn't do much to prevent illnesses, it's more like "sick care" than "health care." It only treats them after they have already become ill. It also doesn't seem to understand the mind-body-spirit connection within the body and can't seem to identify the reasons for these disorders. For so long, there has been such a tremendous knowledge gap, and because of Energy Medicine, that gap is finally starting to narrow.

It's past time to abandon a medical system focused on medications, surgery, and anything else that comes from outside the body. It's past time for us to search within for everything we require to recover. The idea of entering inside has ancient roots and has existed since the dawn of humanity. It's almost strange that our system had to evolve to such high levels of sophistication just to discover that the most basic procedures are still really beneficial and necessary in our present high-tech culture.

So, what is Energy Medicine, exactly?

Let's begin with Albert Einstein's theory. In a nutshell, he claimed that all matter (physical objects) is made up of energy vibrations. This basically means that everything in the Universe is formed of energy, including our physical bodies. Understanding this fundamental principle transforms the way we think about our bodies. Magnets, crystals, and nothing more than our own hands can all be used to influence this energy. Manipulation of the energy field to remove barriers and boost the flow of energy through the body has a direct correlation with your overall health. This should cause us to reconsider the use of medications and surgery as the first line of defense.

Imagine using non-invasive, side-effect-free approaches to heal our mind, body, and spirit as our first line of defense. Consider how much easier it would be if you could accomplish some of these things yourself, in the comfort of your own home. Imagine being able to heal yourself without having to worry about health insurance, astronomical medical expenditures, or potentially fatal side effects.

The Mind-Body Connection Is Missing

The importance that our ideas and emotions play in our overall health is something that orthodox medicine ignores. This is an important aspect of health care that has yet to be addressed in medical schools. However, things appear to be changing. More and more traditional doctors are accepting the notion that our thoughts and fears are projected into our physical health — that the mind and body are inextricably linked. Because learning to manage our thoughts equates to learning to control our health, some hospitals are now promoting (or prescribing) meditation. Meditation, once again, is an old talent that is resurfacing in our high-tech culture because no medical device or drug will ever match the power of meditation.

There have been numerous scientific studies that show Energy Medicine works. In reality, scientific evidence has proven that the Chinese physicians who mapped the acupuncture meridians hundreds of years ago were entirely correct! These meridians are responsible for transporting our energy throughout the body.

Things are beginning to shift.

Many Energy Medicine regimens are now being offered in traditional hospitals before and after surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, or other invasive operations since they have been shown to reduce unpleasant side effects, reduce shock, and speed up healing. It's fantastic that hospitals are finally accepting these treatments for people who are already critically ill, but why stop there? What a wonderful thing it would be to welcome Energy therapies for healthy people as a prophylactic measure to ensure they never require surgery or chemotherapy?

People must first realize how critical it is to maintain their energies flowing in healthy patterns. The second step is to show them how simple it is to do it every day at home. It should, like brushing our teeth, become a part of our regular hygiene routine. If we can increase our acceptance of this type of work, it will truly transform our lives, and I am hell-bent on doing exactly that... sharing and spreading my knowledge of Energy Medicine's power. 


Your Health and the Importance of Gratitude


Energy Medicine's Six Myths