Energy Medicine's Six Myths

Human Energy Field Aura

Dr. Bradley Nelson of Discover Healing (the creators of the Emotion CodeTM and Body CodeTM) provided a lot of the content for this article.

I want to dispel a few common misconceptions about Energy Medicine. You can be healthy if you have more knowledge about this amazing therapeutic modality. Dr. Bradley Nelson shared an article I'd like to share as well...

Holistic wellness practices can easily be overlooked or dismissed in a world where modern treatment is the standard and huge pharma companies are growing in size. Subscribing to solutions that could be regarded as "abnormal" in the past could gain you the reputation of "weird" or "unconventional." However, the timings appear to be changing.

Though people have used complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) for thousands of years, research from the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) and the CDC's National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) shows that a growing number of Americans are taking their health and well-being into their own hands with a more holistic approach. Over a third of the American population, according to data, is looking for alternative ways to ease pain from chronic ailments, enhance general health, and reduce stress. Energy healing is a prominent CAM technique.

What is Energy Healing and How Does It Work?

Energy therapy aims to tune into the body's frequencies as well as the subconscious mind to pinpoint the pressures, ideas, and emotions that are obstructing our general health and well-being. Practitioners of energy healing are said to use heightened levels of consciousness and even spirituality to assist their clients in achieving a mind-body balance that can help with general wellness and alleviate a variety of health issues.

Many people are suspicious of energy healing, despite the fact that it has been practiced for millennia. Magic crystals, incense, and chanting aren't necessary for energy healing. Energy healing is now being accepted seriously by health practitioners from all fields of medicine, and a rising number of individuals throughout the world regard it as a genuine practice and profession.

There are various widespread fallacies about energy healing, including the aforementioned "magic crystals and incense" myth. After correcting these common misconceptions, you may discover that energy healing can help you in ways that standard approaches cannot.

Myth #1: Energy healing isn't based on science.

One of the most common misconceptions about energy healing is that there is no science behind it and that it is all a ruse. That, however, is just not true. The National Center for Complementary Health (NCCIH), in collaboration with premier organizations such as the NCCAM and NCHS, has spent years undertaking scientifically-backed research on the potential effectiveness, quality, and advantages of energy healing. Researchers have discovered that energy healing may be used to boost the immune system, alleviate pain, facilitate and speed recovery, and much more as a result of these investigations. More information about the science can be found here.

Myth #2: Energy healing necessitates religious observance.

Simply said, energy healing aims to activate the body's energy systems while also removing any bad energies or obstacles that may be preventing it from self-healing. This procedure does not require you to believe in a God or subscribe to a particular religion. Rather, energy healing is about harmonizing the energies within your body and mind by relying upon a power greater than yourself (what counts is its relevance to you, not whether it's religious or not).

Myth #3: Energy therapy is the same thing as massage therapy.

Despite the fact that massage therapists may employ energy healing techniques in their work, energy healing is not the same as massage. Some methods of energy healing have the practitioner moving their hands over your body in a sequence of motions in order to keep up with the flow of energy. Other techniques include using magnets on the body's meridians or using muscle testing. These techniques do not entail physically touching or rubbing your tissues in any manner.

Myth #4: Energy techniques can only be used by certified practitioners.

While working with a certified practitioner is highly recommended, there are various other ways to achieve energy wellness on your own. You should be able to acquire many suggestions and techniques from an energy practitioner that you may apply on your own at home if you start with a visit to one. You will learn more when you participate in more professional sessions.

Myth #5: Energy therapy uses up all of your energy.

One popular misconception is that an energy practitioner may remove energies from your body, leaving you weary. Instead, we believe that energy practitioners try to correct energetic imbalances in order to restore balance and make you feel better rather than depleted. While processing after an energy healing session can cause some initial discomfort (such as strong emotions or lethargy), we believe the end outcome is worth it.

Myth #6: Energy healing is a revolutionary, cutting-edge technique.

Thousands of years have passed since energy healing was first practiced. Many people relied on the local medicine woman to preserve or improve their health before the introduction of western medicine, hospitals, and specialist doctors. In order to align their patients' energies and promote the body's inherent recovery capacities, these primitive practitioners would employ a variety of treatments. Traditional Chinese medicine continues to embrace and rely on the utilization of chakras, channels, and meridians to influence health and well-being to this day.


Bridging the Gap Between Energy Medicine and Western Medicine


Illness and Emotional Connection