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Coffee Enemas… Really?

Would you be willing to try an unconventional way of using coffee to improve your health? You may consider yourself a true "coffee lover" who is up to date on all the latest research on coffee nutrition facts and benefits, but would you be willing to try an unconventional way of using coffee to improve your health?

While numerous studies show that drinking coffee has health benefits, it's not the only way to receive the benefits of this antioxidant-rich beverage. Although it may seem unusual to inject caffeinated beverages straight into your body through your colon, research has shown that coffee enemas are a safe and effective technique to clean up your intestines and improve your health.

Coffee enemas are known to help flush out bacteria, heavy metals, fungus, and yeast (such as those that cause candida symptoms) from the digestive tract, including the liver and colon, while also reducing inflammation, allowing people to reclaim their bowel function, increase their energy levels, and heal from disorders that have plagued them for years.

Before dismissing this as entirely insane, consider that many natural detoxification treatments, including enemas, have been used to restore digestive function and overall health. Some were recorded in ancient historical records such as The Dead Sea Scrolls, which documented how Jesus used common substances and resources such as bread and water to heal ailments.

What exactly is an enema?

What is the mechanism of a coffee enema? According to the Gerson Institute, a coffee enema is used to "remove toxins stored in the liver and free radicals from the bloodstream," according to the Gerson Institute. The benefits of coffee enemas aren't solely due to the caffeine in the drink; studies reveal that the bioavailability of caffeine gained through coffee enemas is around 3.5 times lower than that received through drinking coffee orally.

Without chemicals or medicines, this process cleanses and stimulates the lower intestine, allowing it to release safely and spontaneously.

Coffee enemas are unique in that they detox the liver and the intestines. This method has a long history and is widely recognized as one of the most potent liver detoxifiers. Coffee enemas have been demonstrated to boost antioxidant levels, empty the colon, and eliminate liver toxicity.

What is the mechanism behind it?

When you use a coffee enema, the caffeine in the coffee travels straight to the liver, where it becomes a potent detoxicant. It encourages the liver to produce more bile and then transports it to the small intestine for evacuation. This allows the liver to process more toxins that have accumulated in the organs, tissues, and circulation. The coffee enema accelerates the detoxification process and reduces the backlog of toxins that still have to be detoxified.

So, how about bile?

Coffee enemas help to prevent bile and its toxins from being reabsorbed. To conserve resources, the body recycles bile up to ten times. Bile carries poisons from the liver through the gallbladder. Because bile is reused, a large percentage of the toxins are also reabsorbed.

On the other hand, coffee enemas activate and strengthen particular enzyme systems, ensuring that nearly all of the toxins in discharged bile are safely taken out of your body. It also prevents harmful bile from reabsorbing by the liver through the gut's porous membranes. As a result, it is the most effective technique of detoxifying the bloodstream using the natural enzyme systems of the liver and small intestine.

What distinguishes it from a cup of coffee?

Coffee is absorbed straight into the liver through the colon wall when injected into the colon. Coffee has a specific affinity for the liver, and getting it from the colon to the liver is a little different than drinking it. Coffee is primarily metabolized by stomach acids when ingested orally, negating the majority of its herbal medicinal effects.

Coffee enemas have several advantages.

Increases Antioxidant Activity

Coffee enemas are thought to boost glutathione S-transferase production over normal levels. People pay a lot of money for glutathione supplements, as functional medicine practitioner and pharmacist Suzy Cohen points out, so having the potential to make more on your own is beneficial!

The ability of this enzyme to scavenge free radicals within the digestive tract, which lead to bodywide inflammation, poor gut health, liver disease, and cellular damage, is what makes it so strong. Following the neutralization of free radicals, bile produced by the liver and gallbladder transports these compounds out of the body via bowel movements.

Used to Fight Cancer

Coffee enemas have been used successfully in thousands of cancer patients, according to Max Gerson, M.D., author of A Cancer Therapy, published in 1958. When he pioneered a particular anti-inflammatory diet paired with nutritional supplements and daily enemas for speeding up detoxification, Dr. Gerson made coffee enemas renowned as a natural cancer treatment.

According to the National Cancer Institute, the Gerson Therapy consisted of an organic vegetarian diet, pancreatic enzymes, and coffee enemas to boost cancer patients' immune systems and restore electrolyte balance (such as potassium levels in cells). By conducting many (often up to six) coffee enemas every day, many of his patients were able to quit taking pain medications, aid restore liver function, and facilitate tissue healing.

Improves Detoxification

A coffee enema detox, which works similarly to "blood dialysis," can help remove undesirable items from the gut wall and bloodstream. Dialysis is a forced or artificial means of enhancing detoxification, and coffee enemas help the body evacuate waste products like dialysis does. The primary purpose is to wash out the colon mechanically, removing potentially dangerous parasites, germs, yeast, and heavy metals that lead to inflammation and disease.

Coffee appears to operate as a natural "astringent" since it helps the top layer of skin or mucous membranes of the digestive tract peel off and renew (similarly to how astringents used on skin help with cell turnover). According to some experts, the top layer of mucus within the gut lining may contain a high quantity of toxins, hence assisting the body in shedding this lining speeds up the cleansing process.

Aside from the coffee itself, the water used in coffee enemas has medicinal properties. Water therapy, also known as hydrotherapy, aids in healing the body by cleansing the colon and rectum and reducing stool transit time.

Improves Digestion

Constipation is one of the most prevalent adult ailments, which is why laxatives are one of the most commonly purchased over-the-counter medications. If you're one of the millions of adults who struggle to poop daily, you'll be relieved to learn that coffee enemas can help with constipation in various ways. To begin with, the increased amount of water put into the colon aids in the stimulation of peristalsis in the gut, while a portion of the water also aids in creating bile.

The enema's mechanical effects induce the colon to become more active, allowing for easier stool emptying and removal of impacted feces, toxins, and food residues that can cause constipation. Coffee may also aid in the removal of diverticulitis in the colon, which are small gaps in the colon wall that can trap food particles or bacterial organisms.

What is the link between coffee enemas and weight reduction - do they help you lose weight? They might be able to assist you by lowering inflammation, bloating, and water retention. But keep in mind that enemas aren't a substitute for a well-balanced diet. People who drink enough water and change their diets, such as taking out inflammatory foods like sugar, white refined wheat, and hydrogenated fats that delay digestion, usually get the best effects from coffee enemas.

Other advantages include:

  • Removes parasites: it washes out old garbage and bugs from the colon and any parasites you may have killed with herbs.

  • Boosts Energy: Allowing the coffee to permeate the bloodstream directly stimulates the gallbladder to clear out toxins, giving you more energy.

  • Mental clarity and mood: A coffee enema boosts detoxification, which speeds up red blood cell duplication. Because red blood cells transport oxygen, there is an increase in the body and the brain! You will think more clearly if you have enough oxygen in your brain. Bye-bye, brain fog!

  • Migraines/headaches: Migraines/headaches are usually a sign of constricted blood vessels. Coffee helps dilate blood vessels while also removing hazardous chemicals that could be causing inflammation or headaches.

  • Prevents and heals chronic illness: Many illnesses are caused by the body's attempt to cope with excessive pollutants. Regularly detoxing the liver improves the body's function, allowing it to protect or assist the body in recovering from a disease.

Best Coffee for Enema

Certified organic regular (not decaf) coffee is the best coffee for enema. Non-organic coffee is high in hazardous chemicals and pesticides; thus, it won't help with detoxification. This is why performing an organic coffee enema is crucial. Furthermore, while the caffeine content of a coffee enema is 3.5 times lower than that of a cup of coffee consumed orally, the caffeine component plays a role in the procedure's efficiency.

How to Do a Coffee Enema

It's ideal to do an enema right after you've had a bowel movement. This makes the encounter more comfortable and simpler to retain for a longer period of time. If you haven't had a bowel movement in a while or are constipated, you can still do an enema.

Items needed:

  • Glass Enema Bucket

  • Organic Therapy Roast Coffee Beans

  • Grinder (if using whole beans)

  • Coffee Filter (stainless steel)

  • Puppy Pee Pads

  • CellCore Bioscience BioToxin Binder (Optional)

    • Take this before and after the coffee enema

Instructions for a Coffee Enema

Step 1: Add 3 tablespoons of organic coffee beans to 4 cups of water in a small kettle. Bring the water to a boil. Reduce heat to low and cook covered for 15 minutes.

Step 2: Allow the mixture to cool slightly above room temperature. To avoid injuries and burns, this step is crucial. Remove the coffee beans from the solution.

Step 3: Find a relaxing spot to do your enema. You will spend about 15 minutes lying down in this spot. Consider the bathroom floor or being near a toilet. I suggest for easy clean-up, place a puppy pee pad under you. Fill the enema bucket with the coffee solution and close the tube and nozzle with your enema kit, ensuring the valve is closed. Place the bucket so that it hangs over your head—for instance, a towel rack. The enema nozzle should be lubricated. Insert the nozzle 1 inch into your rectum while lying on your right side in the fetal posture. Allow the liquid to slowly enter your body by opening the valve until the bucket is empty. Remove the nozzle from your rectum after it is empty and sit in a posture that allows you to keep the coffee inside for 12-15 minutes. You may have to squeeze a little to keep it in. Do not exceed 15 minutes of cooking time. You can now stop holding it in and go to the bathroom.

At the end of the day, it's critical to consider the benefits and drawbacks of the coffee enema. They may help with digestion and cleansing, but they can also cause adverse effects like colon rips, dehydration, and allergic reactions. If you're thinking about doing a coffee enema, talk to your doctor first to make sure it's good for you. They may also offer alternatives to coffee enemas to assist you in achieving your objectives.