Emotion Code™

The Emotion Code Book

“Freeing yourself from your Trapped Emotions can make you feel more secure and motivated, and can liberate you to create the relationships, career, and life that you always wanted”

 What is the Emotion Code™?

The Emotion Code™ is an energy healing technique that helps identify and literally release trapped emotions. Releasing trapped emotions makes conditions right for the body to heal – so physical and emotional difficulties often disappear or become much more manageable. Removing the underlying causes of disease allows the body to heal itself.

Just about everyone has some amount of emotional baggage from painful life events. Emotional baggage is very real, and although it’s invisible, it can easily disrupt your happiness, your success, and your health. It’s like lugging around a suitcase from every difficult event you’ve gone through; eventually, the load gets too heavy not to notice. Each “suitcase” is essentially a Trapped Emotion; a bit of emotional energy that was created, by you, during an emotional event that then got stuck in your body.

Trapped Emotions are like balls of energy, vibrating at different frequencies depending on what the emotion is (for example, Anger is a different vibration than Sadness or Insecurity). Trapped Emotions are negative, destructive vibrations and they tend to affect the body wherever they are stuck, creating pain and malfunction of bodily tissues, even disease. They can also cause depression, anxiety, and lots of emotional problems. Trapped Emotions can make life miserable, but you can get rid of them using The Emotion Code and lighten your load for good!



One of the best parts of the Emotion Code™ is removing the Heart-Wall. We estimate that 93% of the human population have a literal wall around the heart made of multiple layers of trapped emotional energy.

The Heart-Wall is created by the subconscious mind in order to protect the heart from grievous injury, and it’s a good thing we have this protective mechanism when we need it. The problem is that having a Heart-Wall is like living in a bomb shelter- it’s nice to have its protection while the bombs are falling, but if you have it forever you’ll end up feeling disconnected and unfulfilled!

Experience Transformation and Freedom!

Many users of The Emotion Code™ report having positive outcomes with:

  • Experience More Peace

    You may feel lighter, calmer or more at peace. Not feel so stressed or overwhelmed with life

  • Easing Physical Discomfort

    You may get relief from distress and suffering, and alleviate their potential causes

  • Love & Relationships

    You could remove barriers to love and increase your ability to connect

  • Creating More Success

    You can experience more abundance and open the door to prosperity

  • Healing Generations

    It’s possible to heal your own energy, as well that of past and future generations

  • Helping Animals

    You may even help pets and other animals feel and function better

What Clients Are Saying


“Quite frankly, if you are living and breathing, you would benefit tremendously from this niche of healing. I have come to see over the past twenty-six years of private practice that healing is mitigated by various forms, some more traditional than others. This healing art is exactly the missing piece I was in dire need of because it addresses the portion of who we are that is always overlooked the most. Most men I know do not make ideal clients or patients because we don't relish admitting we need help as easily as the ladies do. Fact of the matter is, we all do. Sara's confidence and demeanor instantly places you at ease the moment we begin the session in prayer. Her trust in God is what preempts the session and her love for what she is doing has made the experience an enjoyable transformation.”

— Dr. Tim

“I've been able to move forward from the past and to truly forgive. I've seen such wonderful growth in myself and such positive changes in my thoughts, health, my relationships, which have been only growing stronger everyday. My son also sees Sara for the Emotion Code and the Body Code and it is so beautiful to see all of the progress he continues to make! He was once so shy that he wouldn't sing if he knew anyone could hear him, now he sings proudly out loud with such confidence!!”

— Sarah

“As a trained mental health therapist, I have spent many years working with a range of therapies and modalities to assist people to heal from addiction, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, etc. The results that Purely You is able to manifest are profound. It is one of the simplest and most effective tools that I have ever come across. Purely You's services gave me a deep peace and healing through one of the hardest transitions I have ever encountered in my life. I am eternally grateful for the healing that I received which had a significant impact of me being able to navigate life's challenges so successfully. I wholeheartedly recommend Purely You. Whether you are dealing with deep rooted trauma or just want to figure out why you can't get motivated to go to the gym. Purely You can help you wherever you are at in life.”

— Amanda

Experience Transformation and Freedom!

Dr. Bradley Nelson

Who Developed  the Emotion Code™?

The Emotion Code is a method developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson, a renowned holistic physician, lecturer and author of the book of the same name, “The Emotion Code.” Using the Emotion Code to identify and clear stuck emotions enables the body to rebalance and self-heal. There are many examples on YouTube of Dr. Bradley Nelson demonstrating the Emotion Code as well as webinars giving more detailed information about this modality.

Tony Robbins

The Emotion Code Book - Foreword by Tony Robbins

World authority on leadership psychology

“I believe that the discoveries in this book can change our understanding of how we store emotional experiences and in so doing, change our lives. The Emotion Code has already changed many lives around the world, and it is my hope that millions more will be led to use this simple tool to heal themselves and their loved ones.”

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