• Are you ready to look and feel better naturally?

    Health and vitality can be restored.

  • Are you sick & tired of being sick & tired?

    Overcome chronic conditions and get to the root of the issue.

  • Are you ready to take control of your health?

    With Energy Medicine, you have the opportunity to take control of your health.

 We are all just energy.

Absolutely everything in the universe is made up of energy that holds a frequency. It is the essence of our vitality. When energies in our body become blocked, pain and illness results.

Unlike traditional Western medicine that focuses on diagnosing symptoms and treating you from the outside, Energy Medicine unlocks your life force to heal you from the inside — and addresses the root causes of illness.

Energy Medicine is an approach that involves balancing and restoring your body’s natural energies. When these energies are in balance and flowing properly it can increase your vitality and optimize your health. Energy Medicine has ancient roots and draws heavily from Eastern health practices and disciplines such as acupuncture, yoga, and qi gong. It is both a complement to other medical practices and a complete system for self-care. Energy Medicine can also be preventative. By recognizing energy disruptions before symptoms appear, the energy problem can be corrected rather than allowed to progress into physical illnesses.

I provide a variety of energy healing therapies that can help you look and feel better naturally. Your body can be healthy and vital without the use of drugs, injections, or other potentially harmful substances. Restoring balance in your body’s energy systems will improve your health, sharpen your mind, and increase your joy, beauty, and vitality. Please explore more of this website to learn more.

We are the creators of our lives and we have the power to create anything we choose!

 Emotion Code™/ Body Code™

The Emotion Code™/ Body Code™ is designed to help identify and correct energy imbalances that could cause all kinds of physical and emotional problems.

A lot of it deals with the health of the energy body, where we try to release trapped emotional energies (emotional baggage) and correct blocked areas. There is a physical side as well, where we look for things like possible toxins, nutritional deficiencies and structural imbalances and address those according to whatever we believe the client’s body needs. Basically, this work is all about removing imbalances to try to make conditions right for the body to restore its own health.


What are Trapped Emotions?

  • A Trapped Emotion is a ball of emotional energy that became stuck in your body during an emotional experience. This can happen if the emotion was overwhelming or if you were imbalanced in some other way (physically or emotionally).

Can the Emotion Code™/ Body Code™ help your child?

Are you a parent desperate to get a grip on your children's behavior problems or destructive habits?

Have you tried every conventional therapy, with no success?

Are you longing for a happy, connected and harmonious family?

I use The Emotion Code therapy with children to identify and release trapped emotions, improve behavior, and stop all kinds of bad habits like bed wetting, nail biting or night terrors.


Worn out parents come to me to help their children with behavioral issues. 

But they rarely know that their children are dealing with emotional problems of their own, which are often the cause of their misbehaving.

Imagine your children happy, healthy, doing well in and outside of school. Think about how easy your family life would be if only your child would stop misbehaving, wetting their bed, or being a picky eater.

 Take the first steps in revitalizing your child’s life

Can The Emotion Code™/ Body Code™ help your pet?

As any animal lover will tell you, animals have feelings, too. They may not be able to talk about them, but if you watch their behavior and get to know them, you will soon be able to recognize their subtle changes of emotion.

Even without words, animals express their emotions clearly. When emotionally upsetting events occur, animals can suffer from trapped emotions just as people can.

 Do any of these scenarios sound familiar?

  • Your pet is horrified of thunderstorms and you don't know how to help them?

  • You have a pet that, no matter how much you remind them, can’t stop an addictive behavior?

  • Does your pet have a short-fuse and overreact to other people being around?

  • You’re at your wits end when it comes to understanding your pet’s behavior?

  • You have a pet that has a pattern of being timid or aloof?

Free your pet today from fear, pain, anxiety, or depression

“What are tissues made up of? CELLS
What are cells made up of? MOLECULES
What are molecules made up of? ATOMS
What are atoms made up of? SUBATOMIC PARTICLES
AND...what are subatomic particles primarily composed of? ENERGY!!!”


Take the step to TRANSFORM your life and experience FREEDOM.